Wednesday, December 5, 2018

How Do I Approach Aftercare Planning?

When it comes to aftercare planning, it is essential to find people who will help build a plan that can support long lasting recovery. Aftercare can include many things, depending on the individual. Learn more about aftercare planning and how to make the best choices for your individual circumstances.

Keep Pressure On

Coerced treatment can be as effective as voluntary treatment. That is not to say it is not the person’s will to be there, because they could just leave if they wanted. However, it is up to the family and friends to realize that treatment is necessary and allow the person going to treatment to decide they are going to follow through. The power of addiction and its ability to warp a person’s thinking can steal their autonomy. Addiction is a thief and a liar. It tells people they are ready when they are not. Pressure can work to help people make the right choice, but it also has to be the right time. A team of professionals can unite with family to make healthy decisions for aftercare plans.

Qualities of Good Aftercare

Aftercare planning can and should be very individualized. There are key components that are consistent in transitional-living and aftercare programs. It is important to consider the following questions when looking at aftercare options following detox and rehab:

  • Check into how many full-time staff members the program has on-site. Many sober living homes have only an owner and live-in house manager. Depending on client needs, there may be complexities that need to be supervised with more staff trained in addiction recovery and aftercare management.
  • Ask about nighttime supervision. When a sober-living program states it has 24-hour supervision, it is important to look at who sleeps on-site and how things are monitored overnight. There should be awake staff available to monitor the overnight period and ensure safety of all residents.
  • Check the daily schedule. Residents at sober homes often lack discipline. They lie around, sleep late, play video games, and may be unproductive. Residents may be required to leave during certain hours of the day with no accountability and no direction. Little structure and accountability can be a setup for failure and relapse. A firm schedule helps people stay productive, meet goals, and achieve milestones.
  • Who are the clinical and support staff. In early recovery, it is imperative individuals continue seeking treatment through outpatient clinical services. In the first few months of sobriety, individuals have dual diagnoses that are still regulating. Without clinical support in the way of services, relapse can be more of a risk.

Finding the right recovery and aftercare programs can be meaningful to a person’s overall success but it is not always the only indicator of whether a person will stay clean and sober. The biggest indicator of success is willingness to succeed, seek out resources, and find ways of staying connected to recovery support systems that will help them be successful now and in the future.

Serenity Detox believes in the power of building a team of people who understand recovery and the importance of aftercare planning. We will help set you up for success from the time you enter our doors until well after you leave. Let us help you recover from addiction and seek the resources you need to keep you clean and sober. Call us 24/7 at our toll-free number: 866-294-9401




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