Friday, December 7, 2018

What is Titration Tapering?

Benzodiazepine tapering programs can be used for withdrawal management of symptoms, including alcohol and other drugs. A number of opioid replacement medications, such as Suboxone or methadone, are used for withdrawal from opiates on a tapering program.  There are potential dangers associated with tapering, including possible adverse reactions to the drugs. Because of these risks, medical supervision is always required for any tapered detox.

How it Works

Many medical journals use the term titration when discussing increasing doses of drugs in a safe manner. They use the term tapering when decreasing them. Titration is often defined as a method to determine the concentration of a substance by dissolving it in some form of liquid such as water. Titration has also received some popularity as a method for discontinuing prescription medications or drugs of abuse. Individuals who have a substance use disorder problem are often looking for ‘quick fixes,’ or methods to overcome their disorder that do not involve traditional approaches that include medical support. People who struggle with substance use disorders have problems with authority, issues with control, and may even have other mental health disorders that result in a general distrust of convention. Many individuals attempt different approaches to dealing with substance use, including attempts to taper down potentially dangerous drugs of abuse on their own.

Method of Tapering

Titration tapering is a method where individuals use the drug dissolved in water or some other liquid to slowly taper off the drug. Titration tapering allows individuals to attempt to develop personalized and unsupervised withdrawal management by tapering down the amount of the drug they use in intervals by dissolving the drug in liquid, then decreasing it over time. Advantages of this are stated as being a way for individuals to estimate the dosage of the drug they are getting. A number of sites offer schedules, instructions, and videos to assist people in performing this on their own. It is not recommended a person taper themselves off drugs of any kind. Titration tapering is also included in that because the practice may not even be applicable for some drugs.

Finding Help

Individuals should not taper down their dosage on their own of any prescription or illicit drug. This includes titration tapering. This practice can result in a number of potential dangers even with drugs that may not be considered dangerous. Finding help for tapering off drugs or discovering the best way to get sober from alcohol and drugs is the safest route to go. This may include going to rehab to support the journey of recovery with medical professionals on staff.

Serenity Detox will help you recover from addiction and seek the resources you need to keep you clean and sober. If you are struggling with addiction, our programs and services are a way of supporting your journey. Our medical staff can discuss tapering and other methods of helping you through recovery. We will help you with whatever you Call us 24/7 at our toll-free number: 866-294-9401




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