Friday, December 7, 2018

5 Signs Your Friendship Might Be Ending

If you consider yourself a true-blue friend, one that will stick with people until the end, it may be pretty difficult to let go of a friendship when it ends. Continuing friendships in recovery can be a challenge but only hurt you in the long run. In an effort to revive or repair a broken relationship, you may end up relapsing.

Cut People Loose

It may be hard to know when it is time to let go. If you are wondering what the signs are that a friendship may be ending, you can try to follow these simple rules:

  • The friend does not want you to change. If your friendship was created through addiction, your friend may not be too excited about sobriety. For you to get clean means they lose a friend they used to party with. It may be time to run the other way before they drag you right back out of sobriety.
  • The friend is hyper-critical. Friends should be honest with each other. This means sharing honest opinions and being open about your feelings. It does not mean criticizing everything you do. If you cannot do anything right in their eyes, they are not good for you. While in recovery, you need encouraging, supportive people to surround you and build you up.
  • The friend is known for negativity. If you are setting new goals and trying new things, you are making a new life for yourself in recovery. Every time you share good news, they try to burst your bubble. When you start to feel hopeful, they bring you back down to earth. Getting this much negativity from people cannot help you in recovering from addiction. It may actually send you spinning out back to addiction.
  • They are self-absorbed. If you find you are always the one who listens, who has the shoulder that gets cried on or loans out money, you may be more important to your friends than they are to you. It is important for friends to help one another out, but not for it to be one-sided. If you are constantly feeling like you never get poured into, it is time to make a change.
  • They don’t respect boundaries. To maintain sobriety, you probably have established new rules for yourself. A good friend will respect these boundaries. If the friend crosses them, they don’t have your best interests in mind. If you are invited to bars even when they know you’re sober and bring people that are using substances around, you are not being respected.

Although it may be hard to lose friendships, it is even harder to realize you kept them around and, because of that, jeopardized your own sobriety. Don’t let that happen when you can make the personal choice to release some toxic people from your life and make room for new ones.

Serenity is a safe, secure place to experience detox and rehab in a comforting setting. Medically supervised detox can help you quit drinking or using drugs and support a long-term recovery. It also helps you realize that you are not alone and your struggles are important to our staff. We can help you get clean and back to your profession feeling better than when you left. If you want help, call us 24/7 at our toll-free number: 866-294-9401




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